Snow Tubing 2001: Okay I realized this picture seems dark but the problem was with person who took it and this it the best visibility I could get this picture to. Top left to right: Mark C., Oliver, Chris Sch., Mrs. T., Katrina, and Greg S.  Bottom left to right: Alison and Jen.

Snow Tubing 2001: A little fuzzy now ain't it? Same trip, same problem.  Left to right: Alison, some random guy, Jen, & Oliver.

Now completely out of chronological order, a picture of Alison in camouflage paint from the 1999 Lean-to Trip at Camp Resolute.

Let there be fire.  The bonfire(s) at the Isaac Davis Camporee '01.

The Italian Dressing Marinated steak tips from the Isaac Davis Camporee '01.

The group photo of the scouts who attended the Isaac Davis Camporee '01.  The picture was taken at the North Bridge in Concord. Left to Right: Ben K., Jeremy (BSA), Chris Sch., Julie, Katrina, and Jen.  Across the front, Oliver.

Scout Sunday at the UCC.  This preceded the Scout Banquet 2001. In the first row we have Greg (BSA), Chris Sch., D.J. (BSA), Jen, Oliver, Katrina, and Julie.

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