Minutes for the April 22, 2001, Meeting

Roll Call
Mrs. T.
Ben K.

The meeting was run by Amanda, in the absence of Ben T.

Amanda led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Venturing Oath.

Jen gave the Treasurer's report:  People still owe dues.  Currently we have
$370, but if everyone paid their dues we would have $530.  Crew T-shirts are
available for $6.

The subject of Venture Crew hats came up.
Motion:  Proposed by Ben, Seconded by Jen:  Dr. Oliver L. will head up the
hat investigation committee, and report to the crew via email on different
styles, colors, options, and sizes.  The price limit for the hats is $15.

Alison did a review of past activities:
4/6-4/8:  Popieniuck trip:  Went snow shoeing and cross country skiing;
Chris Shaw hit on waitress.
4/14:  Bottle Drive and church cleanup:  "up-bup-bub-dub"-Amanda, in
response to Ben K.'s comments.  Once all the money has come in from the
bottles, it will probably be over $500, which will go into the troop/crew
general account.
4/16:  March with Stow Minutemen-  Marching was great, looked very sharp.
4/21-4/22:  Isaac Davis Camporee:  We helped out with parking and manned the
first aid station.  Mr. O. brought two pink flamingoes which appeared
on-stage Saturday night and were found Sunday morning inside the toilets.  We
marched Sunday morning the seven miles of the Isaac Davis trail, all fell
asleep in a field, except Mrs. T., the oldest member of our
contingent, .and then came back and broke camp in driving wind.  Ben
took a nap when he got home.
5/4-5/6:  Cape Cod biking trip.  Permission Slips due by 4/23
6/9:  Car wash:  The same day as Cub Family Weekends and the MHS graduation.
First four weekend in June: Cub Family Weekends at Resolute.  Crew members
are encouraged to serve on staff.
Venture Crew summer camp:  Second week of August.  The camp is going to be a
great event, all members are encouraged to attend.

Oliver and others mentioned that we would like more trips of a high
adventure nature.  Mrs. T. said this is fine, we just need to fine
drivers, adults, and organize these trips.

Meeting Minutes Taken By: Secretary Ben K.